Astrology Solutions Network

Order Form

(*) An accurate birth time is mandatory for the reports noted below

All prices quoted in Australian Dollars - AUD$


General Natal  

Asteroids $8.00

Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Astro*Talk Natal & Transits - 1 year $8.00

Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Enter starting date of your report and your current place of residence:
SolarFire Natal Birth Chart Report $10.00

Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Cosmo Natal, Major Life Themes & Harmonic Report $8.00

Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Just for Women  $8.00

Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Midpoint Keys Natal & Transits - 1 year $15.00

Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Enter starting date of your report and your current place of residence:
The Sky Within $8.00

Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Time Passages Natal by Henry Seltzer $10.00

Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Your Spiritual Path $8.00

Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Children's Personality Profiles  

  Child*Star $8.00

Select Gender:
Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Zodiac Child $8.00

Select Gender:
Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Person 1: Enter name, birth date, place and time of birth:
Person 2: Enter name, birth date, place and time of birth:
Complete Relationship Synastry & Composite  (*) $15.00

Person 1: Enter name, birth date, place and time of birth:
Person 2: Enter name, birth date, place and time of birth & also enter the current place of residence - where the relationship is based:
Cosmo Compatibility $5.00

Person 1: Enter name, birth date, place and time of birth:
Person 2: Enter name, birth date, place and time of birth:
Person 1: Enter name, birth date, place and time of birth:
Person 2: Enter name, birth date, place and time of birth & also enter the current place of residence - where the relationship is based:
Solar Fire Synastry (*) $12.00

Person 1: Enter name, birth date, place and time of birth:
Person 2: Enter name, birth date, place and time of birth:
Time Passages Compatibility by Henry Seltzer (*) $10.00

Person 1: Enter name, birth date, place and time of birth:
Person 2: Enter name, birth date, place and time of birth:
Enter name, birth date, place and time of birth:
Enter starting date of your report and your current place of residence:
Advanced Forecast with Midpoints - 1 Year $15.00

Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Enter starting date of your report and your current place of residence:
Destiny and Decisions Forecast - 1 Year $15.00

Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Enter starting date of your report and your current place of residence:
Life Progressions - 1 Year (*) $6.00

Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Enter starting date of your report and your current place of residence:
Midpoint Keys Natal & Transits - 1 Year $12.00

Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Enter starting date of your report and your current place of residence:
Professional Forecaster Transits/Progressions - 1 Year $15.00

Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Enter starting date of your report and your current place of residence:
Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Enter starting date of your report and your current place of residence:
Time Passages Forecast & Progressions
by Henry Seltzer - 1 Year

Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Enter starting date of your report and your current place of residence:
Day Watch  

Monthly Details/Planetary Aspects - 1 Month $5.00

Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Enter your current place of residence:
Void-of-Course Moon - 1 Months $1.00

Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Enter your current place of residence:
Void-of-Course Moon - 1 Year $8.00

Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Enter your current place of residence:
Red/Green days - 1 Year (Calendar Year) $4.00

Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Enter your current place of residence:
Planetary Stations for 2025 - 1 Year (Calendar Year) $8.00

Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Enter your current place of residence:
Weekly Diary Report - 1 Year $8.00

Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Enter your current place of residence:
Yearly Calendar $10.00

Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Enter your current place of residence:
Yearly Highlights (Calendar Year) $6.00

Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Enter your current place of residence:
Yearly Lunations (Calendar Year) $6.00

Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Enter your current place of residence:
Solar Returns  

  Many Happy Returns by Art Poppe (*) $12.00

Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Enter Year of Return and your location; where you were or will be on your birthday.
Planets in Solar Return by Mary Fortier Shea (*) $12.00

Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Enter Year of Return and your location; where you were or will be on your birthday.
Solar Return by H. Valsecia (*) $12.00

Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Enter Year of Return and your location; where you were or will be on your birthday.
Solar Return by Raymond Merriman (*) $15.00

Enter name, birth date, place and time
of birth:
Enter Year of Return and your location; where you were or will be on your birthday.

90 Minute Consultation - Individual - In person or by telephone $150.00

Person 1: Enter name, birth date, place and time of birth:
Person 2: Enter name, birth date, place and time of birth:

  2 Hour Relationship Consultation - In person or by telephone $200.00

Person 1: Enter name, birth date, place and time of birth:
Person 2: Enter name, birth date, place and time of birth:

  Consultation - Child Personality Analysis @ $60.00

Enter your name and your email address during PayPal payment process. Please then email your contact details, birth details and any additional information to Monika

All payments made through PayPal,
are safe, secure, and easy.

About PayPal

Free Chart Wheels

All Reports come with a FREE Natal Chart Wheel as well as any other Chart Wheels; Transits, Progressions, Solar Return etc which are applicable to each order.

Please click below to review:
Ordering Instructions

NOTE: Date format required in
data entry fields: dd/MONTH/yyyy

To avoid confusion,
type birth month in full

The time of birth is mandatory for some reports, so please check (*) on this order page or refer to the Reports menu to ensure you won't be disappointed after you place your order.

If your report does not seem to
arrive in the timeframe given.

All reports emailed within
12-24 hours of cleared payment.

Free Email/Telephone Contact

As a value added service, please feel free to contact us to discuss any consultation service or report.

Use this opportunity to gain helpful advice and guidance about the full range of services and report options that would suit your needs.

Also, unlimited email contact available for all ASN clients wishing to ask questions about any report/s you may have purchased. Further clarification or explanations may be required to help you understand your report/s.

Gift certificates are also available and are personalised and structured to suit any special occasion or specific request.

Email to arrange a personal chat with Monika: ASN


All consulting services are provided with a money back guarantee. We aim to provide superior and quality services to ensure your total satisfaction.

Please telephone Monika for a no obligation conversation to discuss your interest in any astrology service; reports, consultations or any general enquiry. Often this helps to assure you of our professionalism and dedication to promoting the responsible practice and use of astrology.