Astrology Solutions Network


All information and astrological interpretations available via (ASN) are for entertainment and general information purposes only. By accessing the website of ASN, and/or by ordering reports, you agree to discharge ASN from any liability with regard to the content of the report or site, and/or any advice received.

ASN will not be liable to you for any perceived damages arising from the use of the information provided to you from any of our paid or free report services.

You agree that by accessing the ASN website that you take full responsibility for any and all consequences in utilising the information provided.

Reports provided by ASN are calculated using any one of the following accurate astrological software systems; Solar Fire, Cosmic Patterns, Matrix, Astrolabe and Time Passages. The output or report is based on the accuracy of the birth data provided. Any information; birth chart analysis, forecast, prediction and life or business trends provided by ASN should be taken strictly as general guidelines and suggestions.

Any information gained via ASN is not a substitute for the advice that you would normally receive from an appropriate professional such as; counsellor, psychotherapist, medical practitioner, naturopath, solicitor or financial advisor.

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