Astrology Solutions Network
Cosmo Compatibility

This is a very short compatibility profile report, however it does offer an opportunity to preview the basics of a relationship chart. Also included is this report is a personality compatibility score for the relationship that could be quite interesting to review.

If you only want to put half a toe in the water, this is an inexpensive report that will highlight some of the dynamics operating between you and your partner.

This report will provide the following information:

  • Sun and Moon sign compatibility
  • Interprets the basic planetary aspect dynamics between charts
  • Personality Compatibility Scores for the relationship

If you are looking for a comprehensive compatibility report, this is probably not the right one for you. There are a number of other more in-depth relationship reports available on the Reports page under the Compatibility Reports category. You can also look at a few of the free Celebrity Sample Reports, and find the one with the writing style that appeals to you the most.

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Sample Report

Celebrity Sample Report

A great starting point to analyse your relationship compatibility.