Astrology Solutions Network
Time Passages Natal Report

Below is sample text from a number of the chapters of a Time Passages Natal Report from Astrograph Software, using Henry Seltzer's acclaimed interpretations.

Chart Patterns

The Sole Dispositor of your chart - Venus in Taurus - Third House

The Sole Dispositor helps form your core personality, it ultimately rules all the other planets of your chart:

Venus in Taurus gives an earthy and practical love nature, very ardent and nurturing. This is a powerful placement of Venus, and your emotions are strong and long-lasting. You are very loyal, and also apt to be a trifle possessive. You know what you want to get out of life, and can be quite stubborn about it. You are also very sensual, social and easy to get along with. Living in the material world comes naturally to you. You have good luck with finances, and would excel in professions such as lawyer, real estate broker, or loan officer. Gardening and or home décor are likely hobbies. You like living the good life, and you will always have an abiding sense of enjoyment from music and the arts.

Venus in the Third House represents a higher-purpose connection within you between artistic sensibility and communication. With this placement, musical talent or writing ability is definitely indicated. You are a gifted speech artist with a charming and lively manner. With your love of most things social, you are likely to be an entertaining and enjoyable companion. You like to talk about what interests you, and what interests you is almost everything. You have the capacity to see a higher purpose in the exchange of ideas. You combine your talent for seeing the aesthetic content of everyday life with an interest in mental recreation, giving you the skills to pursue a variety of interests, including computer graphics, music or writing of any kind, or perhaps environmental law.

Grand Trine

You have a Grand Trine in your chart. When three or more of your planets form a Grand Trine with each other, you will have an exceptional area of talent represented by the element in the trine, either Fire, Earth, Air or Water (usually these planets are in just one element). You will display a marked self-sufficiency and also will have good success in your endeavours in this area of life. You must also beware, however, of being lazy or complacent.

T-Square, focal planet Sun - Fourth House

You have a T-Square in your chart. With a this planetary aspect pattern, in which three planets or conjunctions are in square with one another, you have a high degree of motivation and drive. Your energies are most easily and habitually expressed by the energy of the focal point, the middle of the T-Square. You may also compensate for overdoing in the area of life represented by the focal point, by leaning toward the empty pattern element opposite the focal point, seeking to balance your activity. The lesson of this planetary aspect pattern is in learning to use your considerable energy wisely in the pursuit of your true goals. There is great tension represented by the focal planet or planets in your chart, where conflicting parts of your personality attain their focus and peak of energy, and you may observe compulsive behavior in the area of life represented here.

The Sun represents your will and purpose, your sense of vitality, and your evolving higher Self. In Gemini it is Mutable-Air, and rules the arms, the shoulders and the lungs. Your ruling planet is Mercury. Gemini is the sign associated with communication, logical thought processes (based on duality) and the conscious mind. Gemini people tend to be airy and intellectual, glib of tongue and curious about life and other people. You can experience two sides of things at the same time, and you may tend to be flighty. You move through life like a butterfly, engaging in many varied experiences to gain knowledge. You are witty and have a good sense of humor, and you are likely to be an excellent conversationalist. You make a good teacher. You can be nervous and high-strung, and may be mischievous. Unlike possessive Taurus, you tend toward liberty in relationship. You can be easily bored, but under the control of self discipline you have tremendous intellectual and artistic possibilities.

The Sun in the Fourth House represents a concentration of the vital force of self-nurturing and taking care of those closest to yourself. Your inner, spiritual world is more important to you than mundane achievements. You seek your own roots, your own sense of security, your own inner needs. It is also possible that your personal identity can become confused with your need to identify with your family. As you go through life, you may feel the necessity of beginning to distinguish your own sense of self separately from family ties. One or both of your parents profoundly shaped your sense of nurturing, probably the parent that you were emotionally closest to. Your task is to learn what types of family experiences truly nurture you, and others, in order to discard those that do not serve you well. You may make a prolonged search for your roots in order to discover your own source of personal security. You do best when you allow yourself to explore variations of your inner needs so that you can nurture yourself and others wisely and be able to share within a wider circle your capacity to nurture and be nurtured.

T-Square, focal planet Saturn

You have a T-Square in your chart. With a this planetary aspect pattern, in which three planets or conjunctions are in square with one another, you have a high degree of motivation and drive. Your energies are most easily and habitually expressed by the energy of the focal point, the middle of the T-Square. You may also compensate for overdoing in the area of life represented by the focal point, by leaning toward the empty pattern element opposite the focal point, seeking to balance your activity. The lesson of this planetary aspect pattern is in learning to use your considerable energy wisely in the pursuit of your true goals. There is great tension represented by the focal planet or planets in your chart, where conflicting parts of your personality attain their focus and peak of energy, and you may observe compulsive behavior in the area of life represented here.

Saturn in the Seventh House (or sign) gives a pleasant personality with a deepening and concentration, or blockage, in the power to relate to others. You are easy to get along with, and you usually do well in the areas of partnerships and business relationships, being possessed of good judgment, diplomacy and tact. You are very self-reliant and yet also experience a sense of isolation in life, owing to subconscious fears regarding truly giving yourself to another. You may feel strongly the potential for being hurt in this way. You may look for a partner who is responsible, possibly older and wiser, and whom you therefore consider safe. You may also experience sorrow or difficulty in marriage. You are challenged to rise above this circumstance, which can become an opportunity for inner integration and balancing. Your lesson is to make better use of relationship on an inner level as a vehicle for self-discipline in order to further your own growth as an individual.

Important Features

Neptune in the Eighth House - Ruler of rising sign

Neptune in the Eighth House (or sign) gives an individual with great personal magnetism. You have a subtle intuition and an unusually clear insight into the motivations of others. You also may unconsciously try to control other people, or act in somewhat unreliable ways. You have an ideal of self-sacrifice in partnership with others, and tend to give more than you receive, which can lead in the end to resentment on your part, or just disappearing. Otherworldly affairs may interest you more than everyday ones, and you may be drawn to psychic matters or occult studies. Your dreams are very important to you, and through them you may learn significant information. You are likely to possess an enjoyment of sensual pleasures or luxuries. You may also have some confusion regarding sexuality and with what you truly desire from relationships. You benefit from bringing greater clarity to your personal values, your relation to the material world and to other people.

Jupiter in Pisces - First House
Angular planet - conjunct Ascendant

Jupiter in the First House (or sign) gives you a personality strong in self-esteem. You have expansiveness and abundant energy, and are likely to have good luck with the material side of life. You love freedom and independence, and possess an extremely optimistic nature. You see possibility in everything, a person for whom the glass is definitely "half-full" rather than "half-empty". A feeling of can-do is therefore an important component of your self-image. This is valuable for you, and gets you far in life, but you should beware of letting this faith in your powers express itself as mere egotism, especially in the case of challenging aspects between Mars and Jupiter in your chart. Your enthusiasm may need to be tempered with a healthy sense of limitation.

Jupiter in Pisces (or the twelfth house) gives you a quiet and unassuming personality. You are good and kind, very considerate of others, and are friendly and easy-going. You need to feel an emotional resonance in order for your work to be satisfying to you. You have your own personal code of conduct to which you are true, no matter what public opinion may be, or convention may dictate. You are likely to be fond of cinema, or other imaginative flights of fancy. You may suffer in your life from being overly sensitive to the needs of others, or seek to retire from the casual cruelties of the world at large, so that there is some danger of escapism. You tend to work behind the scenes, and do not seek personal glorification from your actions, but are content to do what you do because it is helpful to other people. You often appear more at home in an imaginary universe of your own design than in concrete reality, and benefit when you pay some modicum of attention to the nitty-gritty details of life that surrounds you as well as to the secret world of your dreams.

Chiron in Sagittarius - Tenth House

Chiron in the Tenth House (or sign) represents issues with one's vital force to act with authority and make a responsible contribution to society. With this placement you are likely to be somewhat rebellious of authority, and yet compulsively drawn to it as well. You have probably had many experiences in your life where you either had to knuckle under against your will or else overexerted your authority with others in a way that left them feeling oppressed. The compulsion you may feel to be in authority perhaps arose in your childhood, when you were too forcefully controlled, leading to compensatory behavior as an adult. Everyone has a basic need to be in control, and if distrustful of authority as a result of early experiences, we tend to strike first rather than wait to be pushed around by others. Another manifestation is being drawn to achievement in the eyes of the world, yet feeling ambivalent about your successes. You may feel pushed to success by the important parental figures of your childhood, and never really have a sense of belonging to your own true destiny, rather than acting on behalf of others' beliefs and goals. These feelings are also connected with low self-esteem, and you may seek to be a well-known presence in the world as a way of making up for feelings of lack of self-worth somewhere below your conscious level of reasoning, yet the victory when it comes may be hollow. In order to avoid these traps, it is good to be in more conscious touch with your hidden feelings, and attempt to bring these into the light to explore them in detail. Once you have begun this process, it will continue as a natural part of your growth, as it becomes easier and easier to confront the scary parts of yourself. At this point you can begin to wield a more conscious and integrated form of personal power.

Angular Planets

Sun, Moon, Rising Sign Features

Sun in strong sextile (within 2.9 degrees) with Pluto

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

This aspect gives a willful personality with a focus on being recognized and admired. You have strong desires, and you also have a powerful urge toward self-transformation, and may go through many changes in your life. You are not shy about expressing your beliefs, and you may even feel a compulsion toward self-assertion or self-aggrandizement. You also tend to champion the underdog, and react strongly to social injustice. In relationships, you tend to become intensely involved quickly, and stay absorbed in the relationship as long as it lasts. There may be underlying feelings of insecurity leading to your rather self-centered and ego oriented behavior. Exploring these feelings can be incredibly rewarding for you, and should be quite possible, for you have tremendous powers of regeneration and rebirth. When you learn to train your considerable energy on these socially oriented as well as personal goals, you can become a focal point for the transformation of society itself.

Sun in strong opposition (within 0.4 degrees) with Chiron

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge.

With this aspect between Sun and Chiron you are likely to experience painful realizations throughout your own life and also have the ability to heal others as well. Chiron is called "the wounded healer" because it represents the archetype of imperfection and loss which when integrated leads to compassion and understanding of others' suffering. The empathy and the understanding that are gained through life's trials provide the ability to serve as a helper and a healer for others. You are more invested in this archetype than most, since it is in a powerful connection with your Sun, representing your conscious self. You have undoubtedly experienced pain and frustration related to your self-concept, perhaps through your relationship with your father or the same-sex parent. There could have been trauma in your early years concerning your parenting or the parental protection that may have been withdrawn too suddenly or misapplied. You may have suffered actual abuse in childhood or perhaps in later years such as in the period of adolescence, when you needed to make the transition to your own adulthood and may have been prevented from fully emerging into a more responsible and complete state due to external circumstances or your own lack or self-confidence. Since you have come through the fires of difficulty you are likely to be someone with career possibilities in the helping professions. It is often easier to face others' troubles than one's own, and you may even be more ready and available to help others than to help yourself. It is good to integrate your past experiences, no matter how painful they may have been, and no matter how painful these feelings continue to be for you in adult life. Then you will be in a position to truly sympathize with others' suffering and help them to work out their traumas as well.

Sun in sextile (within 3.9 degrees) with Moon

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

This aspect gives a well-adjusted and stable personality. You proceed with confidence and a sense of well-being to accomplish what you set out to do. You are likely to be healthy, optimistic and popular, and look upon life's problems as challenges to be overcome, rather than as obstacles. You have experienced your parents as harmoniously related, and in your own relationships you expect sound communication and mutual understanding. Your family is important to you. You are poised and cheerful, and your creativity flows freely. It benefits you to overcome complacent or lazy thinking and to rise to the challenge of tackling any problem areas in your life.

Sun in trine (within 4.4 degrees) with Neptune
Ruler of rising sign

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

This aspect gives a highly sensitive, visionary and creative individual. You are somewhat unworldly, and you are likely to be artistic or musical. You may be open to mysticism or the exploration of other dimensions through psychic perceptions. You are the softhearted type, and may be even too willing to sacrifice yourself for the good of others. Extremely aware of your surroundings, you may take on different qualities with different groups of people, or there could be difficulties with your motivation. Once these difficulties are overcome, tremendous creativity is possible, perhaps through artistic channels: music, drama, or poetry. You may also find your life's calling in the helping professions, for your compassion is strong. Your aim is to achieve a balance between the spiritual dimension of reality and ordinary life.

Moon in Aries (22° Ari 56') - Moon in the Second House

The Moon in Aries gives an ardent nature with inclinations to impatience, independence and impulsiveness. With this placement, you have a high energy level. You also have a strong competitive streak, which, together with your attack first attitude, may conceal subtle feelings of insecurity. Your emotions are keenly felt, direct and spontaneous. You may have to guard against a quick temper. You should also guard against a tendency toward a too hasty reaction to situations, rather than a more carefully reasoned approach. You are most comfortable thinking of yourself as strongly independent with great physical daring and courage.

The Moon in the Second House represents being emotionally connected with one's values, with one's possessions, or the material things in this world. You may feel that your self-worth is connected with the physical manifestation of material wealth or material comfort. Your values are very important to you. You may feel compelled toward gaining material wealth or possessions when your emotional life is unfulfilling. You can also be quite generous. Your finances may fluctuate throughout your lifetime as you move through various emotional growth phases. When you follow your gut feelings you are likely to be successful financially. You excel in occupations which deal with meeting the wants and needs of other people. You feel most comfortable and secure when your values and emotions are clearly defined and you can act upon them.

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